All of our honey is pure, delicious, and RAW! Our Raw honey is not the standard, store bought honey that most are used too. Under United States law, in order to call a honey “Pure” it must contain at least 51% real honey. The remainder can be supplemented with filler syrup. This is the case with more commercial store bought honeys. Our Raw honey however, is 100% Pure Honey with no additives. We offer a couple types of honey with different flavors. Yes !…. honey flavors do differ.
Our raw honey comes from sustainable, local apiaries in Michigan, United States and it’s truly farm to bottle. We never over-harvest or mix our honey with other ingredients (like fructose, agave or corn syrup)! Our 100% pure honey contains naturally occurring nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, the way Mother Nature intended us to enjoy it.

Useful properties of honey
- regulates metabolic processes
- increases immunity
- honey improves blood composition
- helps to cope with insomnia
- gives energy to the body, restores strength
Making honey is a complex and unique process and is produced in several stages
One of our core values is to practice, share and promote sustainable beekeeping. What exactly does that mean? We put the bees first in the process of making our products and want our bees and customers alike to thrive. We ensure that our bees are healthy, pollinate in safe locations and we never over-harvest, leaving our bees with plenty of honey, pollen, and propolis of their own.

01. Flowers produce nectar and attract our bees

02. Bees collect the nectar and carry it to the beehive

03. Bees seal cells with wax and honey ripens